Product Pricing Calculator

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This one-page spreadsheet comes with all the info you need to complete it, and is designed for quick and easy calculations to help you figure out your product prices.

Who am I, and why did I make this?

I’m a writer and comic creator, as well as the owner of a shop called Red Fox Cards. Between my books, comics and the 100+ products in my store, I’ve had to price up goods with over a dozen variables to consider in terms of costs and value. The creation of this little calculator was a life-saver for me. I no longer had headaches trying to justify prices. I no longer worried about whether something was a good deal to my customers, or whether I was going to lose money on something. The numbers spoke for themselves.

I want this!

The Product Pricing spreadsheet, and the PDF guidebook to help you along the way.

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Product Pricing Calculator

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I want this!